How To Apply

2024-2025 Enrollment is NOW OPEN!
Thank you for prayerfully considering First Place Academy. Private, Christian education is affordable! Scholarships are available and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Admissions Process
We are glad that you and your family are interested in our school. Before beginning the admissions process, we ask that families apply for scholarships first and have an award letter in hand.
1. Scholarships
We understand not everyone has the ability to put their children in private education. It can be expensive. Thankfully there are scholarships to aid in helping Florida families have “school choice.” Check them out below and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us; we are here to help.
Please note, that all StepUp scholarships are now applied through StepUp for Students’ EMA Portal.
2. Complete Online Application
To begin the Online Application process, Create an Account on the Application page. Then log into your account and provide the information necessary to the complete the Create a New Student Application for your child. At this point, you will be able to login and out of your account and access your child’s application at any time by selecting the student’s name.
Please note, there is a non-refundable $25 application fee per student due at submission of the application.
3. Touring Our School
After we have received your Online Application, we will contact you to schedule a tour of our facilities and classroom environment. You will be able to see first hand what our day to day looks like and see the difference an education with a biblical worldview can make!
4. Complete Enrollment
After acceptance, you will receive an enrollment packet link via email.
Enrollment is complete when the whole packet has been completed, signed, and submitted. You will need the following documents for your student(s) to complete the enrollment process:
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Social Security Card
- Immunization Records
- Driver’s License number (for student drivers)
We Look Forward to Meeting You
We are honored that you would consider us in the education of your children. We look forward to serving you. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
In Christ,
Keith McConnell, Administrator